16º Premio Doy-Ostia: SIR KEN ROBINSON

Sir KEN ROBINSON explores education, creativity, human possibility and the magic point at which natural talent meets personal passion - finding the thing that resonates with you that leads to personal success.

- The following talk explores ways to connect peoples' natural aptitudes with their personal passions to achieve at their highest levels in education and business.

"The basis of my argument is: creativity isn’t a specific activity; it’s a quality of things we do. You can be creative in anything — in math, science, engineering, philosophy — as much as you can in music or in painting or in dance. And you can certainly be involved in the arts in ways that are especially creative. And so it’s important to emphasize that it’s not about creating some small space in schools where people can be creative, and particularly not if that means just tacking on some art programs on a Friday afternoon. It’s about the way we do things."

- Rhode Island School of Design Lecture

"... if you want to encourage creativity in education, there are a couple of ways to think about it. One is that there are skills of creative thinking that can be taught. I think of this as general creativity. You can help them think productively, generate ideas effectively, help them to think of alternative approaches to issues and questions. So there are very specific skills that can be taught, and in a metaphorical sense, it’s kind of like a grammar of creativity. It’s a series of processes, not an event. And helping people understand how that works is an important part of being creative. You wouldn’t expect people to become literate just by hoping it’d happen."

- Huckabee interview

"There was a time when people argued seriously that it was difficult to teach working class people to read and write — that they didn’t have the capacity for it. This was before the beginning of public education. But now we know that most people — we take it as axiomatic and ethically important that most people can be taught to read or write. But they have to be taught. They have to be given tools and techniques for it."

- Creative Company Conference Interview

He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003 for his outstanding achievements in education and the arts.


Sir Ken Robinson most recently has written "The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything."


THRILLER - Michael Jackson, 1982 (MJJ Productions Inc.) PARTE 2

Wedding Thriller - Baila hasta la novia!

Profesional, muy profesional... Remangándose la falda para hacer los pasos...

Joelle and Chris along with their bridal party surprise their guests with their rendition of Michael Jackson's Thriller. La novia, una estrella, con la chaqueta roja y todo...

Surprising the guests at my brothers wedding with the famous "thriller" dance from Michael Jackson. El novio lo baila con fuerza, a su izquierda, un amigo con sólo un brazo... Buenísimo. Lástima de la mala grabación en video.

Los novios bailan Thriller junto con otros, para sorpresa general.

Wedding Thriller (Surprise thriller for the folks at the reception)

Y estos dos, en medio del baile nupcial...

It all kicks off around 1m 25 sec. Starring: Asher & Aileen... then all of the ushers. Hvar, Croatia, Sunday 30th August, 2009

Thriller- Dance auf einer Hochzeit!!

Tim & Jillian Miller Wedding Dance. Se inventan coreografía nueva y todo.

Y otra...

Thriller - Regalo de boda

Incluso algunos se han convertido en fenómenos de Youtube...


THRILLER - Michael Jackson, 1982 (MJJ Productions Inc.) - PARTE 1

Thriller girl 2008 (Four year old dancing/imitating the michael jackson Thriller video. She just kept watching it over and over again. When I saw her doing it I had to record it!...I decided to make a video of her so she could watch herself dancing and acting out the thriller video ;) )

3 Year Old Toddler Girl Dance Moves With Style to Michael Jackson Thriller

My daughter dancing to Michael Jacksons Thriller. She gets most of the moves and she just turned two! - Algo así no debería grabarse con esa calidad de mierda! En ocasiones como ésta es cuando nos damos cuenta de que deberíamos valorar más nuestras propias obras.

My 4 year old son's imitation of Michael Jackson's Thriller--he even wore his mom's satin bonnet to imitate Michael's hair

Layla Janes, 4.

Quincy is a 3 year old that loves Micheal Jackson. Wait 20 seconds into the video before he really starts to dance to Thriller.

Paige, 4.

4 y/o

Incredibly talented 23 month old works on his dance routine to "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

18 Month old Vincent getting down!

Baby dancing Thriller

My 3 year old dancing to Thriller...

My three year old little brother dancing to Michael Jacksons Thriller.

Three year old dancing to MJ Thriller

3 year old Billy dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller".

My baby boy showing off his moves to Michael Jackson's Thriller.

My baby boy loves watching and dancing to Micheal's videos, sorry it's a little dark but could not seem to get it to go lighter. I'm going to try again and re-post. Thanks for watching!!

my lttle cuz dancin to thriller

My little cousin dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller. 3 year old.

My son's way of showing a dedication to the late Michael Jackson by doing the Thriller dance

Niko when he was just a baby :*(

Michael Jackson's Thriller dance moves performed by 3yr old Jaiden Grant

This is our 1 year old daughter, Zoey. Her daddy was playing Michael Jackson's Thriller on the computer, and she just started dancing! Baby's got rhythm!

My baby dancing to MJ's classic

This is a video of my 6yo little brother, who taught himself the thriller dance by watching it 100's of times on TV and Youtube.

thriller dance with molly, vanessa, and sophia

*El original Michael Jackson's THRILLER, aquí:


Pablo Picasso - Nude in a Red Armchair - 1932 - Oil on Canvas 130x97cm


After World War I, Picasso's art changed direction, away from Cubism and towards a style inspired by antique sculpture. This Neo-Classical period lasted until about 1925 when his art developed a more personal and expressive style derived from Cubism.

In this painting the blocks of simple colours, repeated shapes and playful ambiguity show the influence of Synthetic Cubism. However, the outlines are now sinuous not geometric and they follow the contours of colours instead of being independent of them. Also, the colours complement each other. These differences and the sensuous subject matter seem to be a response to Matisse's nudes.

The painting shows a woman, naked except for a bead necklance, sitting in an armchair. As we look at the picture, the woman and the chair do not face us squarely, instead they are angled to our left. Her gaze does not meet ours but looks over our left shoulder. The woman's left leg is crossed over her right. Her elbows rest on the arms of the chair and her head rests in her hands. The bottom of the canvas cuts her legs off above the knee. She fills the painting so that we see very little around her, except for a number of lines that we read as skirting boards and dado rails.

The model is Picasso's lover Marie-Thérèse Walter who was his muse during the 1930s. They had met five years earlier when she was 17 and she provided an emotional haven during the acrimonious divorce from his first wife. Marie-Thérèse is painted as a series of fluid curves and circles that echo the shapes of her erotic anatomy. These forms are repeated in different colours, combinations and sizes, like visual rhymes. The most striking feature is her face.