Flexibility's role

Aquí viene otra entrada para la sección de vida sana, si es que estamos de un saludable...
El artículo está sacado de la misma página web que la del agua, que es sobre acrobacias, y está escrita por un tal Jujimufu, que escribe bastante risas y cosas bastante interesantes. Muchas de estas cosas se pueden aplicar a las rutinas de entrenamiento o a un modo de vida más saludable.

Pues nada, os dejo con lo que será la primera sección del artículo, que si no es muuuuuuyyyyyyyyyy largo, ya iré poniendo el resto...

Si alguién quere visitar la página web original, es http://www.trickstutorials.com.


f I've authored a portion of this website dedicated to developing flexibility, then it must be a valuable physical quality associated with tricking. Right? Yes, correct.

What value does flexibility play in tricking?

Here's the quick list:

Without sufficiently developing flexibility, the learning or perfecting of various tricks becomes impaired. Seriously, just look at a well executed 540 kick or an aerial - the limbs will often pass through points during the skill with great distance between each other. Flexibility training is essential for many basic and most advanced skills. Who wants to see a bent knee 540 kick? It sucks. Introducing flexibility exercises into your training could help lock that leg out and make that 540 better.

As a trickster, you will be more prone to trauma or overuse injuries if your flexibility is lacking. We are talking about a sport that stresses a need for great plasticity and smoothness. For example, in twists the upper body needs to be loose enough to safely initiate an aggressive torque. If you are stiff and tight during a move like a gainer full or double leg twist, kiss your ass goodbye.

Good flexibility aids in the development of strength, speed, and coordination. A lack of it would adversely affect the training potential of these biomotor characteristics. And guess what - strength, speed, and coordination are good things!

The qualitative performance of a movement is limited without an adequate flexibility reserve. Back to the twist example, and this plays a role in how flexibility is important for injury prevention. If you cannot get your body into an optimal alignment or position during a skill, your coordination will be negatively affected and your body will compensate this difficulty by overtaxing those available muscle groups that could be incorporated into the skill. It's like trying to squeeze through a half open door, you want that shit wide open. With well developed flexibility, that door will open right up and you'll step right through unscathed. This refers directly to overuse injuries: That lack of flexibility negatively affects your ability to coordinate all the needed muscular contractions necessary to make a skill happen.

What benefits can be reaped through stretching?

Here's your quick list again:

Well, obviously increased flexibility would be one. Haha!

Relaxing stretches can help speed recovery post training. Now, I'm not saying it will prevent soreness! It has nothing to do with that. But, after training your muscle lengths can be shortened through strenuous contractions. It can take several hours for your muscles to return to their pre-training length. Doing a series of relaxive stretches post training can return them to their pre-training lengths much sooner, reducing the occurrence of chemical and metabolic damages: Hence, facilitating recovery.

Stretching is essential as a preventative measure of injury relapse. Just as your muscles are shortened after a training session or after recovering from soreness, your flexibility is even more adversely affected after an injury is resolved. Because an injury, such as a strain, heals at a shorter length after recovery - it is more susceptible to relapse. Regaining lost flexibility through stretching is crucial for preventing future occurrences.

Stretching is an effective warmup for tricking or any other type of training. Oh, and I'm not talking about static stretching. Static stretching has no place in a warmup, we'll talk about that later if you plan to read ahead in the later sections of the flexibility tutorials. But, dynamic stretches are a great way to prepare your body for more dynamic actions such as... Tricks! (Wow, amazing! Dynamic stretches for dynamic actions! Who woulda' thunk it?)

1 comentario:

  1. si algún ijodeperra que no sepa inglés (se me ocurre por ahora solo uno...) quiere que haga una versión traducida, que se joda y visite el puto blog de vez en cuando!!!desde el cariño y el afecto, añrgfhñsrahfshfhflW!!
